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L3. Complex numbers as 2-D vectors
L4. Microphone Sound Analyzer App
L7. Classical skater Harmonic oscillator energies and wavefunctions
L9. From finite to ∞ well Electrons in a square well
L10. Atomic orbitals: IQMol Site
L11. Bonding and anti bonding quantum superposition: Desmos Graphing Calculator
L12. Bonding as tunneling Tunneling across a barrier
L13. IQMol Site
L15. Tunneling across a barrier
L18. The pitch drop experiment of 1927
L19. Diffusion out of half a box
L21. Hot and cold
L23. dS=dE/T
L25. Protein folding simulation
L30. Brownian motion simulation
L31. Gel electrophoresis
L34. Osmotic pressure