Chem 442: General homework info
Homework assignments are listed in the course schedule for each lecture. Usually 3-4 problems are assigned per lecture. Only ONE of these per lecture is turned in for grading. However, ANY may show up on the exams.
Since each week typically has 2-3 lectures, you will turn in 2-3 problems the following week. A week’s homework problems are all due together at the beginning of the first lecture of the following week.
All homework solutions are posted in advance of the due date. Peek at them at your own risk before turning in your homework. Gruebele recommends doing ALL assigned problems (turn-in one, and not-turn-in ones) first, without looking at the solutions. You can work alone or in groups (as long as everyone in a group participates). You can correct your solution before turning it in, but do it intelligently, not by rote copying from the online solution. You can also use the online solution to help you when you get stuck.
Late homework gets 50% credit up to a week late. Gruebele’s advice is that you are better off on exams turning in a homework late but having done it yourself, rather than copying the solutions. The exams are worth a lot more points *80% of course points) than the homework (20% of course points).