Chem 542 HW

All homework assignments will be due at the beginning of the lecture listed, and will generally be returned within a week. TAs will usually post solutions by the weekend BEFORE the Monday HWK is due. DON’T peek at them unless you get seriously stuck (i.e. you spent more than 1 hour on a problem on your own).

Note: some of these homework sets are longer and harder than others. We recommend that you get started on problems once it’s obvious the material has been covered in class. We encourage study groups and discussions amongst students. We discourage however passive participation (take without give) in such discussions: you need to work through it yourself to master the material for the exams.

*Homework 1 (due Monday February 1 at the beginning of lecture) Solution 1

*Homework 2 (due Friday February 12 to Sambarta) Solution 2

*Homework 3 (due Monday February 22 at the beginning of lecture) Solution 3

*Homework 4 (due Monday March 7 at the beginning of lecture) Solution 4

*Homework 5 (due Monday March 14 at the beginning of lecture) Solution 5

*Homework 6 (due Monday April 11 at the beginning of lecture) Solution 6

*Homework 7 (due Monday April 25 at the beginning of lecture) Solution 7

*Homework 8 (Due Wednesday May 4 at the beginning of lecture) Solution 8